A Stewardship Prayer Father, I know that I can help in the needs of my parish, Your church. I am having trouble deciding how and where to serve You. I want to help, but the immediate needs of my family and job seem to be ever more demanding. Please help me search myself. Please help me take a good look lisinopril 5mg side effects at what I can do, both in my personal life and through Your church. Help me to steward Your gifts wisely, to cherish them lovingly, to tend to them responsibly, and to share them willingly with those in need. And most importantly Lord, help me to be that augmentin medscape steward in a helpful way knowing that whatever sildenafil dosage I wean from gabapentin do for the gabapentin side effects least of your people, I do for you. All caring, all loving and almighty God, I pray that You will bring me to a fulfillment of good stewardship through your grace and direction. In Your holy name I pray. Amen.  

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