Monthly Archives: March 2012

Services will take place at Christ Church every day during Holy Week:

Monday to Wednesday (2-4 April) - Evening prayer at 18.30

Maundy Thursday (5 April) – Eucharist and Washing of the feet at 18.30

Good Friday (6 April) – Celebration of the Lord's Passion from 12.00 to 15.00

Good Friday (6 April) - 6pm: A concert for Passiontide with music by The King’s Voyces, directed by George King. There is no admission charge but a retiring collection will be taken for the music fund at Christ Church. Please tell your friends about this Good Friday concert which has now become a fixture in Pretoria over the past decade. The programme will last about an hour. There is parking under guard.

Holy Saturday (7 April) - The Service of the Light at 19.00

Easter Sunday (8 April) - Eucharist at 7.30; Choral Eucharist including Schubert’s Mass in G major, D167, with chamber orchestra. Baptisms will also take place at this service at 9.15

Easter Sunday (8 April) -  Choral Evensong for Easter Day at 18.00

Please join the Saturday Circle Women's Group this Saturday, 31 March, at 12.00 for a Bible Study on the Triumphal Entry. Note that we are not meeting at 9.00, so that we can stay on to make palm crosses.

This coming Sunday, 25 March 2012, during the 9:15 Choral Eucharist service, representatives from community initiatives in which Christ Church is involved will be delivering short presentations about the work of their organizations.

We have structured the presentations and the liturgy so that the overall duration of the service should not be affected.

This is a great opportunity to find out about community projects in which Christ Church is involved, and also to find out how you can help with these important initiatives.

Mass Setting
Mass for the Sundays in Advent and Lent
Traditional plainsong (11th - 15th centuries)

Offertory Motet
Call to remembrance, O Lord
Richard Farrant (c. 1530 - 1581)

Communion Motet
Morning glory, starlit sky
Orlando Gibbons (1583 - 1625)

Our sister parish, St. Wilfrid's Hillcrest, have a vacancy for an assistant pastor to work with their youth group. For information on this position, please see the downloadable advertisement below.

Advert - Assistant Pastor - St Wilfrid's

Mass Setting
The Canterbury Mass
Anthony Piccolo

Offertory Anthem
God so loved the world
John Stainer (1840 - 1901)

Communion Motet
Lord, for

thy tender mercy's sake
Richard Farrant (1530 - 1580)

Mass Setting
Missa Brevis
Andrea Gabrieli (c. 1510 - 1586)

Offertory Anthem
The Law of the Lord
William Mathias (1934 - 1992)

Communion Motet
In this world, the isle of dreams
Gustav Holst (1874 - 1934)

Resources from past meetings of the Bible Study Group, including the 2012 Lent Course, are now available from the parish

website. For more information on the Bible study group, or to download resources from the past meetings, please visit our new Bible study page.