
Christ Church weddings are always particularly special in our beautiful old church. If you wish to be married here, notify the Parish office. You will then need to come for marriage counselling and preparation.

The church building is available for use as a wedding venue, to parishioners, Anglicans from other parishes, and non-Anglicans.

Parishioners at Christ Church are allowed use of the building for their wedding free of charge. They only pay the surcharges for the car guard, the organist, and church warden who must be present. The fee structure for parishioners is available from the office on request. Marriage counseling and preparation will be provided by the priest, and couples should notify the rector or acting priest well in advance of their planned wedding.

Anglicans from other parishes may make full use of the building for their wedding, but must pay the full rental fees as stipulated in the price list below. If the couple wishes to be married by a priest from their own parish, he or she must obtain permission from the rector or acting priest at Christ Church prior to the ceremony.

Non-Anglicans wishing to use the building may do so without seeking permission from the priest, but must also pay the full rental fee, and abide by additional regulations as stipulated below.

The building is available from 9AM until 6PM, except on Sundays and Thursday mornings, at which times use of the building is reserved for divine worship.

Additional services included with hire of the church building

Two white cushions are provided for the couple to kneel on, if this is included in the ceremony.

A small table and chairs are provided for the signing of the register. Couples are requested to bring their own table cloth and decorations for the table. It will be placed in the crossing to the side of the choir stalls before the service.

The church bells are rung when the bride enters the church.

Traffic cones are placed on Pretorius Street in front of the lych gate, well in advance of the service, to reserve that parking spot for the bridal party.

A microphone is provided for the use of the priest or minister if they require it.

Regulations for use of the church building

No objects may be nailed, stapled or screwed in to the pews or any other woodwork or masonry in the building. Fastening of objects to the end of pews by means of a ribbon or a piece of string is permitted.

No flowers or any other objects may be placed in or on top of the baptismal font at the back of the church. The use of one of the small tables provided at the back of the church for this purpose is permitted.

Additional regulations pertaining to use of the building by non-Anglicans

During wedding ceremonies conducted by non-Anglican ministers, no person is permitted to enter the church sanctuary or make use of the altar at the North end of the church. Full use of the building up to the transepts and crossing is permitted.

No candles permanently installed in the building may be lit, as some candles hold special liturgical significance, and are only permitted to be lit at certain times. Wedding parties are requested to bring their own candles if these are required for the ceremony.


Building hire
(Includes Verger, Warden and one car guard)
R5000.00 or as amended periodically
Deposit R500.00 or as amended periodically
Use of the Organ R375.00 or as amended periodically

Payment may be made by cheque, cash or direct deposit into our bank account. If payment is made by direct deposit or internet transfer, a copy or proof of payment must be faxed to 012 430 2470, sent by email to, or handed in at the office.

Please confirm your booking with the office before making any payments.

Our banking details are as follows:

Christ Church Arcadia
Standard Bank
Pretoria Central Branch
Account 010372164
Branch code 010045





Please use the date of the wedding as reference.

The contract must be returned and all monies must be paid one month before the date of the wedding.