Christ Church Arcadia will be undertaking a Mission Week from 12 to19 May 2013, with the theme Christ Church Alive in the Spirit. The updated programme is as follows:
Sunday 12 May
09.15 Sung Eucharist
11.15 Mission Week launch, with bring and share lunch
14.00 Prayer group
18.30 Evening devotion: A Spirit-filled church: mission powered by the Holy Spirit (Speaker: Rev. Frank Chikane)
Monday 13 May
07.00 Morning Prayer
11.00-14.00 Outreach
18.30 Evening devotion: The fight against the abuse of women and children (Father Duncan Mbonyana)
Tuesday 14 May
07.00 Morning Prayer
11.00-14.00 Outreach
18.30 Evening devotion: Offering witness and sharing testimony (St Michael’s Worship Group)
Wednesday 15 May
07.00 Morning Prayer
11.00-14.00 Outreach
18.30 Evening devotion: Building successful families (Speaker: Father Leonard Nyakale)
Thursday 16 May
07.00 Morning Prayer
09.00 Said Eucharist
10.00 Speaker: Aging and spirituality (Speaker: Rae Labuschagne)
11.00 Tea
11.00-14.00 Outreach
18.30 Evening devotion: Healing service (Linga Longa and St Wilfred’s Worship Group)
Friday 17 May
07:00 Morning Prayer
08.00 Business Breakfast – Speaker: Business Ethics
(Speaker: Minister Lindiwe Sisulu)
11.00-14.00 Outreach
Saturday 18 May
12.00-17.00: Youth Day with Christian music, braai, market stalls, bikers, speakers