September is stewardship month in the Pretoria Diocese, and together with all other parishes, Christ Church has been asked by the Diocese to increase its financial contribution for the 2013 financial year.
Our monthly dues to the Diocese will increase from R27,000 to R29,000 in the new year.
As all activities at Christ Church are funded by the generous donations of parishioners, the parish council would like to appeal to all parishioners to consider adjusting their dedicated giving to help us budget for this increase.
Christ Church is also affected by inflation, as indeed any organization would be, and to help us manage the rising costs of conducting church operations, and our increased obligation to the Diocese, the council has set a goal of a monthly increase in dedicated giving for the entire parish of between R4,000 and R5,000.
This increase can easily be achieved if all households in the parish would consider an increase in their contributions of R50 - R100 per month.
We will soon make the monthly financial reports from the parish available on the website. They are also available at any time from the parish office.
We ask that you consider this request in prayer, and with due consideration for your own financial situation. Your contributions are highly appreciated, and help Christ Church to continue the important work of spreading the Gospel.
Stewardship Month |Christ Church Arcadia